Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ninja Man-Bat

Ninja Man-Bat
Originally uploaded by SHERARDREX

My new favourite thing about Flickr is checking out other fanboy/girls action figurine collections.

This is a Flickr user's photo of their Ninja Man Bat, from the graphic novel Batman and Son. Man-Bat is one of my favourite Gotham Villans, so I'm always excited when Kirk Langstrom pops up in a new comic. In Batman and Son, Talia al Ghul uses Langstrom's DNA to genetically engineer a flock of Ninja Man Bats. The resulting fight scenes were brilliant.

I bought this exact figurine at a Comics Etc. sale for 5 bucks.
Bargain!It pays to like unpopular characters :)

Oh, and mine stays in it's box.

Roller Derby Season Final!